Homo_sapiens Allele-Specific DNA Methylation

e.g., Homo_sapiens/ HepG2
  • Homo_sapiens

  • GSM2191797

Allele-specific DNA methylation region of Homo_sapiens /

Note. "low" and "high" represent the number of ASM detected in the bin. The lines on the edge of the heat map represent the same meaning as the heat map.
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Chrom Start End Span methCount Strand
Chrom Start End Span methCount Strand

There are too many ASMs in this sample, please download more from 'download page' .

Note. Span: length of ASM region; methCount: number of allele-specific DNA methylation cytosine sites in ASM region.

ASM distribution in CpG islands

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Chrom Start End CpG island ID ASM Chrom Start End Span methCount Strand
Chrom Start End CpG island ID ASM Chrom Start End Span methCount Strand